Erich Neumann at Eranos

Erich Neumann at Eranos

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26/05/2015 Comments (0) Views: 5808 Blogs updates, Jung-Neumann Letters Conference 2015

A report from the Jung Neumann Conference by Lisbeth von Benedek


Jung Neumann conferenceErel Shalit has just published at his blog a report from Jung Neumann Conference in French and English written by Lisbeth von Benedek. At this year’s Jung Neumann conference almost 300 participants celebrated the publication of Analytical Psychology in Exile: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann. Lisbeth von Benedek describes in her report high level of the presentations, and the most importantly the special atmosphere of the event, filled with generosity, hospitality and joy.

Throughout the conference the atmosphere was warm and friendly; besides that the organization impressive – with precise respect for the setting and the time allowed for the speakers, which prohibited tension and gave enough space for the questions. The presentations were of a rare depth and questions from the participants witnessed their own thoughtful reflections upon the topics in question.

The lectures from the conference will be published in a volume edited by Erel Shalit and Murray Stein, „A Creative Relationship – C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann”.

See Erel Shalit’s blog for the full text of the report Lisbeth von Benedek report and photos from the conference by Odeliya Harel.

Read the report at Erel Shalit’s blog

Read more about Jung Neumann Conference at

Lisbeth von BenedekLisbeth von Benedek

Lisbeth von Benedek, Doctor of Psychology and Psychoanalyst, is a member of the IAAP and SFPA, Institute C.G. Jung, France. She was responsible, for more than twenty years, for teaching clinical psychology and the introduction of psychoanalysis at the University Paris XIII.

The Jung-Neumann Letters – A Book Launch and International Conference, Israel 2015

The Long awaited publication of the Correspondence between C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann, the Jung-Neumann Letters edited by Martin Liebscher, were published March 2015 by Princeton University Press. To mark this important event an international conference was held jointly sponsored by The Foundation for the Works of C. G. Jung, the Neumann family, The Philemon Foundation, the International Association of Analytical Psychology, and The Israel Institute of Jungian Psychology. The invited speakers presented recent discoveries and new perspectives pertaining to the correspondence, the relationship between Jung and Neumann, and the broad range issues they discussed. The conference took place in Kibbutz Shefayim, 20 minutes north of Tel Aviv, the home of Erich Neumann.

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