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Thinking About the Transference: a Conference for Clinicians

15/04/2015 Comments (0) Views: 85684 Asia, Conferences, Featured articles

Erel Shalit – The Jung-Neumann Conference, April 24-26

The article republished thanks to courtesy of Erel Shalit

Kibbutz Shefayim, April 24-26, 2015, Conference WebsiteTrailer

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More than 250 attendees from 25 countries will take part in the Jung-Neumann Conference at Kibbutz Shefayim, north of Tel Aviv, April 24-26.

A year (or more) of preparations are now in their final stages, lecturers have prepared very interesting talks, rehearsals for Saturday night’s performance are under way. Soon suitcases are being packed, posters put up, rooms inspected, and many are in the midst of reading the letters.

The spirit of Jung and Neumann will be present in what arises from the springs of their creativity, and the depth of their reflections.

In December 1951, Neumann writes:

If one loves people beyond their qualities, how could God’s love, which is also supposed to exist beyond his qualities, become conscious in any other way than by God seeming terrible? … how could it be accomplished in any other way than with the help from Satan?

And a month later, Jung responds:”God himself is a contradictio in adjecto, therefore he requires the human being in order to become whole. Sophia is always one step ahead, the demiurge always one step behind. God is an affliction that man should cure.

And on it goes, in a dialogue that we shall take part in, and possibly carry onwards.

For the exciting program, see the conference website. We are looking forward to greeting you at Shefayim!

Erel Shalit

See the post at Erel Shalit’s blog

See conference info in calendar


erel shalitErel Shalit

Erel Shalit is a Jungian psychoanalyst in Ra’anana, Israel. He is a training and supervising analyst, and past president of the Israel Society of Analytical Psychology (ISAP). He is the author of several publications, including The Hero and His Shadow: Psychopolitical Aspects of Myth and Reality in Israel, Revised Edition and Complex: Path of Transformation from Archetype to Ego. Articles of his have have appeared in Quadrant, The Jung Journal, Spring Journal, Political Psychology, Clinical Supervisor, Round Table Review, Jung Page, Midstream, and he has entries in The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. Dr. Shalit lectures at professional institutes, universities and cultural forums in Israel, Europe and the United States.

See Erel Shalit’s website

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