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Sandplay Therapists of America Assembly 2015 – Conference

28/01/2015 Comments (0) Views: 5528 Asia, Blogs updates, Conferences

Erel Shalit’s blog – Neumann at Eranos

Erel Shalit presents the lecture by Dr. Riccardo Bernardini – „Neumann at Eranos” scheduled for „Jung – Neumann Letters Conference”:

This presentation will retrace the steps of Neumann’s participation at Eranos from three main viewpoints: Neumann’s encounter with the Eranos and its Archive for Research in Symbolism; the meaning of Eranos for Neumann’s work and the meaning of Neumann’s work for Eranos; and, through some excerpts from the still unpublished Erich Neumann–Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn correspondence, his profound relationship with the Eranos’s founder. Thanks also to several unpublished photographs of Neumann at Eranos as well as to some sequences from the mostly unknown movie, belonging to the Eranos Archives, we will thus try to understand what Neumann meant when, for testifying the role that the Ascona gatherings played in his life and work, he described Eranos as “… inconspicuous and off the beaten track, and yet a navel of the world, a small link in the Golden Chain.”

eranosDr. Riccardo Bernardini

Dr. Bernardini is Scientific Secretary of the Eranos Foundation, and has served as Adjunct Professor at Turin University. Among his written and edited books are Jung at Eranos (edited with Gian Piero Quaglino and Augusto Romano), The Jung–Corbin Correspondence, and Carl Gustav Jung’s The Solar Myths and Opicinus de Canistris. Notes of the Seminar Given at Eranos in 1943 (with Gian Piero Quaglino and Augusto Romano, 2014). He serves as Co-Editor of the Eranos Yearbooks series, together with Fabio Merlini, and of Spring. A Journal of Archetype and Culture.


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