I feel very strongly that I am under the influence of things or questions which were left incomplete and unanswered by my parents and grandparents and more distant ancestors. – C. G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Portrait of Carl Gustav Jung, at his desk writing. Photograph, 1953.
The well known internet website brainpickings.org writes on Memories, Dreams Reflections by Carl Gustav Jung in the post „Memories, Dreams, Reflections: Legendary Psychiatrist Carl Jung on Life and Death”. Began in Jung’s age of 84 his autobiography has been since its creation a subject of both controversies (as we currently know, that it is in autobiography only in part) and continuous inspiration by next generations. Here Maria Popova writes a bit about the history of its creation and includes several meaningful quotes. She also illustrates the post with sketch note visualization of the book by Austin Kleon who draw it after finishing reading of Memories, Dreams, Reflections as a form of play of free associations .
Interested in Memories, Dreams, Reflections can also join The Jungian Book Club established by Tasha Tollman at Facebook, where members has just finished reading and discussing it.
In all of those examples it can be seen how Jung’s autobiography continues to interest, inspire and engage new readers.
Memories, Dreams, Reflections on brainpickings.org
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Tags: biographies, C. G. Jung, history