Carl Gustav Jung & The Red Book (part 2)...

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11/06/2015 Comments (0) Views: 5339 Videos

Susan Rowland – C.G. Jung’s Dramatic and Imaginative Writing

Presented by

Pacifica Graduate Institute

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Susan Rowland, Ph.D.

Susan Rowland, Ph.D.,Chair of the Engaged Humanities and the Creative Life MA, earned her Ph.D. from the University of Newcastle and her MA’s from the University of London and Oxford University. She was the first Chair of the International Association of Jungian Studies (IAJS). She is author of many studies of Jung, literary theory and gender including C.G. Jung and Literary Theory (1999), Jung: A Feminist Revision (2002), Jung as a Writer (2005) and also edited Psyche and the Arts (2008). Another recent book is C.G. Jung and the Humanities (2010), showing how Jung’s work is a response to the creative, psychological, spiritual, philosophical and ecological crises of our age. In 2012 her book, The Ecocritical Psyche: Literature, Complexity Evolution and Jung was published by Routledge, showing how the Jungian symbol is a portal to nature. Susan’s work is not so much „about” Jung as an attempt to develop his special insights into myth, technology, the feminine, nature and the numinous for today’s wounded world.

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