By soul I mean, first of all, a perspective rather than a substance, a viewpoint toward things rather than a thing itself. Between us and events, between the doer and the deed, there is a reflective moment—and soul-making means differentiating this middle ground.
The question of psychology today is that its world view is too shrunken. And therefore the whole field tends to shrink. It’s not just shrinks that make it shrink. It shrinks by virtue of its own limited worldview.
It is not the literal return to alchemy that is necessary but a restoration of the alchemical mode of imagining. For in that mode we restore matter to our speech – and that is our aim: the restoration of imaginative matter, not of literal alchemy.
Were we able to discover its psychological necessity, pathologizing would no longer be wrong or right, but merely necessary.
Whatever we call reality is a fantasy that has got stubborn and blocked and become obscured to the flow of psychic energy in it.
Alchemical language is a mode of therapy; it is itself therapeutical. – Alchemical Psychology
Why is there such a vast self-help industry in this country? Why do all these selves need help? They have been deprived of something by our psychological culture, a sense that there is some purpose that has come with them into the world.