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Edward Edinger

19/11/2014 Comments (0) Views: 7001 Coming events, Resources, Videos

Video trailer for Asheville Jung Center the Psychology of Fairy Tales seminar series

The Asheville Jung Center is very pleased to announce The Fairy Tale Series with Murray Stein and John Hill. Dr. Stein put together a wonderful collection of Jungian analysis of fairy tales in his book series titled The Psyche’s Stories. The book series is a collection of essays presented by a diverse group of analysts that have a unifying theme of analytical psychology.  Currently there are three volumes of The Psyche’s Stories available now.  Murray Stein and John Hill have decided to present a 5 seminar course on the topic of Analytical Psychology and Fairy Tales.  The course started this Fall, there is still one seminar left on the 6th of December (with John Hill) – „Fairy Tale Drama II”. Each lecture can be attended either live or viewed later via download or streaming video. Participants joining anytime after the course begins can still register and catch up by watching the recorded version of prior lectures.

See info about the series at Asheville Jung Center website

Murray-Stein-PictureDr. Murray Stein is a supervising training analyst and president of The International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland (ISAP Zurich). He is the author of The Principle of Individuation and many other books and articles in the field of Jungian Psychoanalysis. From 2001 to 2004 he was president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. He has lectured internationally and presently makes his home in Switzerland.

John-Hill1John Hill, MA, received his degrees in philosophy at the University of Dublin and the Catholic University of America. He trained at the C.G. Jung Institute Zurich, has practiced as a Jungian analyst since 1973, and is a Training Analyst at ISAP, Zürich. He is IAAP Liaison to Tbilisi, Georgia. His publications include: The Association Experiment, Celtic Myth, James Joyce, Dreams and Christian Mysticism. He has recently published his first book: At Home in the World: Sounds and Symmetries of Belonging.

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