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07/06/2015 Comments (0) Views: 5362 Books

Anthony Stevens – The Talking Cure: Psychotherapy, Past, Present and Future

  • Series: Studies in Jungian Psychology By Jungian Analysts (Book 1000)
  • Paperback: vol I: 128 pages, vol II: 128 pages, vol III: 128 pages
  • Publisher: Inner City Books (2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: Mixed

An anniversary (thousandth) volume from Inner City Books most recognizable series!

This is a trilogy. Even though each volume is available separately, we are recommending the three, since it constitutes a series, and thus a certain whole. In those three volumes the author presents an overview of the origin and development of what has become one of the twentieth century most settled phenomenon, loved, hated, invested with most ridiculous hopes and most bitter disappointments, namely – psychotherapy. The author’s reflection on the volume title concerns psychoanalysis: its origins and its further developments and offspring. But we must recognize, and it seems a bit striking that in the contemporary awareness it is not at all a common recognition, that in the beginning psychotherapy was psychoanalysis – and psychoanalysis was psychotherapy; an art of healing to the soul.

In the publisher’s review we can read:

„In The Talking Cure, an immensely readable and entertaining overview in three volumes, Jungian analyst Anthony Stevens describes how the major schools of psychodynamic theory grew out of the psychology of their charismatic founders and have subsequently turned into exclusive and mutually hostile rival “sects.” Stevens argues that the best hope for the future lies in research to determine the positive therapeutic ingredients that all methods have in common. This, combined with the kind of undogmatic, open-minded humanity advocated by C. G. Jung, could lead to the adoption of a new paradigm capable of transcending the differences between them—the paradigm adopted by the new breed of “evolutionary psychotherapists.”


Anthony_Stevens.350x452Dr. Anthony Stevens, author of numerous publications, among the Jungians recognizable also by such a classic books as: „The Two Million-Year-Old Self”, „Ariadne’s Clue: A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind”, or „Archetype Revisited: An Updated Natural History of the Self”, or in his reflection combines his background in analytical psychology and in evolutionary psychiatry.

He is a graduate of Oxford University, he has a Doctorate in Medicine and two degrees in psychology. He is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and a senior member of the Independent Group of Analytical Psychologists.


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Inner City Books

Daryl Sharp and the Inner City Books

Daryl Sharp started Inner City Books in 1980 to promote the understanding and practical application of the work of C.G. Jung. It is still the only publishing house in the world devoted exclusively to books written by Jungian analysts. There are now 141 titles by over 50 authors in the series Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts – authoritative works on basic Jungian principles, women’s studies, spirituality, alchemy, relationships, dream and fairy tale interpretation, masculine psychology, midlife issues and much more.

Over a million books have been sold, with more than 250 editions in 20 languages.

Among acclaimed authors of Inner City Books there are Marion Woodman, Marie-Louise von Franz, Edward F. Edinger, James Hollis, James A. Hall, Sylvia Brinton Perera, Eugene Monick, John P. Dourley, Aldo Carotenuto and Janet O. Dallett.

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