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13/02/2015 Comments (0) Views: 53369 Books

Greg Mogenson – A Most Accursed Religion: When a Trauma Becomes God

  • Paperback: 200 pages
  • Publisher: Spring; 1 edition (December 16, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0882145525
  • ISBN-13: 978-0882145525

The long-awaited, extensively revised and expanded version of Mogenson’s provocative first book, GOD IS A TRAUMA: VICARIOUS RELIGION AND SOUL-MAKING.
Despite its title, this book is not about theology. When a psychologist writes of God, he must do so within the confines of his own field of inquiry: the psyche. Mogenson’s aim is to focus attention on the religious dimension of the psychology of those overwhelming events we describe as traumatic.


Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig wrote about GOD IS A TRAUMA:

Every Christian, Jewish, and Muslim believer should read Mogenson’s book — and every psychologist; everyone interested in soul and religion.


From the introduction to A Most Accursed Religion:

Whether a divine being really exist or not, the psychological fact remains that we tend to experience traumatic events as if they were in some sense divine. Just as God has been described as transcendent and unknowable, a trauma is an event which transcends our capacity to experience or reckon with it. Compared to the finite nature of the traumatized soul, the traumatic event seems infinite, all-powerful, and wholly other. Again, we cannot say that traumatic events literally possess these properties, but only that the traumatized soul propitiates them as if they did.

Avialable in Kindle edition

greg mogensonGreg Mogenson

Greg Mogenson is a Jungian analyst practicing in London, Ontario, Canada. A graduate of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, he is a professional member of that society and of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. His practice is devoted to analytic psychotherapy and Jungian psychoanalysis for adult individuals presenting with a wide range of issues and concerns. He is also a registered marriage and family therapist, with clinical membership in the Ontario Chapter of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT). Drawing upon both the psychoanalytic and the family therapy traditions, he works with individuals and with couples in long- as well as short-term psychotherapy. In addition, he provides clinical supervision for psychotherapists, and lectures on analytical psychology to both lay and professional audiences. A prolific author, Mogenson has published several books and numerous articles in the field of analytical psychology. (Some of the articles are reproduced on this website.) He also serves as editor of the Studies in Archetypal Psychology Series of Spring Journal Books.

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