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02/02/2015 Comments (0) Views: 16007 Books, Lexicons and handbooks

Jolande Jacobi – The Psychology of C. G. Jung

  • Paperback: 215 pages
  • Publisher: Yale University Press (September 10, 1973)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0300016743
  • ISBN-13: 978-0300016741

The Psychology of C. G. Jung by Jolande Jacobi belongs to the group of Jungian writings that encompass complexity and richness of Jung’s psychology. Essential for beginners it is at the same time a source of knowledge for more advanced studies.

Dr. Jung never took time out from his pioneering work in psychology to make a concise presentation of the elements of his psychological theories. Dr. Jacobi’s synthesis, which Jung applauds in his Foreword, offers the reader a comprehensive review of the central content of his system by a student and colleague who worked closely with him for many years. For this definitive, new edition, Jolande Jacobi has written a new introduction and revised the footnotes to refer to the complete works of C.G. Jung. The book also includes the complete bibliography of the many journal articles and books written by Jung during his long and productive lifetime. There are eight color plates among the „pictures from the unconscious” and other illustrations which give a better idea of the intrapsychic process than can be conveyed in words.

The Psychology of C. G. Jung was translated to many languages with the most recent subsequent Polish edition in the December 2014.

jacobi-jungJolande Jacobi

Born in Budapest, Hungary as Jolande Szekacs, she became known as Jolande Jacobi after her marriage at the age of nineteen to Andor Jacobi.She spent part of her life in Budapest (until 1919), part in Vienna (until 1938) and part in Zurich. Her parents were Jewish, but Jacobi converted first to the Reformed faith (in 1911), later in life to Roman Catholicism (in 1934). Jacobi met Jung in 1927, and later was influential in the establishment of the C.G. Jung Institute for Analytical Psychology in Zurich in 1948, where she was nicknamed 'The Locomotive' for her extraversion and administrative drive. Her students at the C.G. Jung Institute included Wallace Clift. She died in Zurich, leaving one new book (entitled: „The tree as a symbol”) uncompleted. Her works include:

  • Jacobi, J. (1958) 'The Process of Individuation' Journal of Analytical Psychology, 111.
  • Jacobi, J. (1978 [1964]) 'Symbols in an Individual Analysis', in C. G. Jung ed, Man and his Symbols,  Part 5.
  • Jacobi, J. (1942). The Psychology of C.G. Jung: An Introduction
  • Jacobi, J. (1959) Complex, archetype and symbol in the psychology of C.G. Jung (translated by R. Mannheim). New York: Princeton.
  • Jacobi, J. (1977) Masks of the Soul, Translated by Ean Begg, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. is not financed by any external fund except of free of charge administration and webmastering of participates in Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is our way to keep the website clean and free of advertisements. It means that every time a book is bought it supports the development of the website. We advertise only analytical psychology and Jungian psychoanalysis books. If you like the direction our website is expanding you might consider supporting it by buying Jungian books via sponsored links of our Amazon Associaties Program.

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